Online Shaadi

Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore

Online Nikah Service

Nikah Online Requirements

Pakistan’s Best Online Nikah Service in Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore

A nikah/marriage/shadi online is simple and convenient.

Online Nikah Service: Requirements

Online Nikah/Online Marriage: Shari’a & Legal Requirements

Online nikah, virtual nikah, or online marriage is easy.

Despite the fact that nikah is both a sacred and legal document, the contracting parties must be competent, i.e., of sound mind and of puberty age. A contract is invalid if the parties do not consent to it.

Federal Shariat Court requirements for consent are as follows:

It is important to enter into matrimony for real reasons, not just for name sake, according to “consent.”

For a valid Nikkah, you must follow the following steps:

  • A wali (father, elder brother, or paternal uncle) should be present at the time of Nikkah for the female party. (Wali is not required under Hanafi Fiqh.) For a distant or virtual wedding, the absent party should have an attorney present.
  • Witnesses must be Muslim males, adults, and sane.
  • Marriage cannot proceed without the bride’s consent.

Online Nikah service for Pakistanis living overseas

The process of nikah online is simple, and it is common in Karachi, Pakistan. It can be done by both overseas Pakistanis as well as residents of Pakistan. Online nikah has some requirements and procedures. Nikah Services are provided by our Nikah Khawans, Nikah Registrars, and expert lawyers in Karachi and Islamabad. In order to perform a Nikah online (Majlis-e-Nikah), a vakeel/attorney/proxy must represent the bride or bridegroom who is absent from the gathering. In the event that both the bride and the bridegroom are absent from the Nikah ceremony, two Vakeel/Proxies/ Attorneys will be required to represent them and to perform Ijab-o-Qabool (Offer and Acceptance). It is very easy to register for online nikah/ shadi/ marriage since the requirements are few, and the procedure/process is very straightforward. There are only a few requirements for online nikah.

Nikah online during the pandemic in Karachi

A Nikah online session is one of the most popular things to do in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan. If there is a pandemic, you may be unable to leave your home. If that happens, it is very important that you stay in touch with your family and let them know that you are safe. In order to stay on top of one another’s well-being and safety in an outbreak scenario, it would be best for all of us to stay in touch with one another, although it is impossible to predict what will happen.

In our original intention, we wanted to make sure all communication channels were open so people could reach out to us when they needed help. Nikah Online has already demonstrated how to get people talking about sensitive topics like sex and intimacy; however, imagine having a larger community where everyone could access those conversations-and even better, where everyone knew each other personally.

There are many ways around these challenges if we work together as a community, but these new ways of communicating come with new challenges as well!

Islamic Online Nikah With Attorney/Proxy

Whenever a woman desires to retract her marriage agreement with a man, Allah’s Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) advised that they veiled each other and then spent some time alone together.

An attorney can do a marriage contract on your behalf, or you can appoint an attorney yourself if the couple are in the same place at the same time.

Marriage contracts may be drafted by your attorney, or they may be drafted by you by appointing an attorney.

A person appointing you as the online nikah provider must meet the following conditions:

  • A person representing you must be familiar with Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh).

  • Reliability and trustworthiness are essential for him.

If the nikah is not performed with two witnesses, it will not be valid so that there can be no disagreement later on.

There must be two witnesses present when the nikah is performed online, and they should be able to see everything that goes on throughout the entire ceremony. The witnesses should also be able to read and write, since they will need to sign a witness form, which you will be signing along with your wali.

A nikah will not be considered valid if you do not meet any of these requirements, and you may have to re-do it in order for it to be recognized under Islamic law and count as a valid nikah.

Our beloved prophet peace and blessings be upon him and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, did not perform nikah according to the standards of the day, nor do we do so now.

There is no consistency today in the nikah that was offered during the time of our beloved prophet peace and blessings be upon him, nor is there any consistency in the nikah offered by those who followed his example.

There are two Muslim male witnesses who must sign the nikah (online or offline) contract if neither party is related by blood or marriage, however, this may be waived if one or more witnesses are not available. Both parties must sign the nikah document (online or offline) and it must be witnessed by two witnesses who are not related by blood or marriage to either party. The parties should make sure that if they are going to engage an attorney to perform their wedding ceremony, that the attorney follows the same steps he would follow as if he were acting as an official witness for any other type of legal document, such as a will or power of attorney.

Performing this contract has the purpose of creating clarity as to who has authority over who in the marriage so that there will no doubt as to who does indeed hold authority within it. Despite the fact that the husband gives his wife permission to spend money from the joint finances as per his instructions, he remains responsible for all other financial obligations outside of those funds, including paying rents/mortgages, etc., food clothing shelters, etc., medical needs including paying doctor bills if needed; payments for child support if applicable are also provided. In addition, fulfilling promises made before the marriage, such as giving presents on birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc., will ensure that the commitment is fulfilled.; in addition to making sure children receive proper education; offering emotional support within reasonable limits, which means staying together through thick and thin until death does them part, something Allah has plans for after death too, which hopefully won’t happen anytime soon!

nikah khawan

An official copy of the CNIC or passport is required for Nikaah online, marriage, and shaadi

  • It is not necessary to bring any documents other than your National Identity Card or passport if you wish to complete a Nikah online/marriage online. You will only need six fresh passport photos of the couple and a copy of your National Identity Card.
  • A Haq Mahr / Dower money/gift agreement is also required before the Nikah is solemnized.
  • As per Pakistani Family Laws, brides and grooms must be at least 18 years old to register a marriage and receive a proper Nikah Nama.
  • A divorcee must have divorce papers.
  • It is mandatory for the groom to ask his first wife’s permission to marry a second time, et cetera, if he wants to remarry.

Nikah online with WhatsApp

  • We need copies of your CNIC and passport.
  • You are still welcome to attend the ceremony even if you can’t.
  • Your name, age, and marital status will be asked by the Nikah Khawan/Nikah Registrar via a WhatsApp video call between both parties. Following verification by the bride’s parents or Vakeel/attorney, a WhatsApp call between both families will be arranged in which the couple’s family members sign an agreement and two witnesses are provided by each side.

Online Nikah via Zoom, IMO

You might want to get your profile done on both Zoom and Nikah Online so you can get a sense of which works best for you. Zoom has both a free and paid version.

In Pakistan, IMO (Islamic Marriage Online) is the most popular platform for Nikah Online. While this site doesn’t require an account, it does have a messaging system that lets people get to know one another before meeting in person or via Skype or video call – something Zoom does not currently offer.

Overseas Pakistanis prefer Online Nikah

Overseas Pakistanis can marry their partners through this channel without any problems. Pakistanis living in the United States, Canada, the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain can do so without problems. If you live in Pakistan, this is a very good option as well because you can find your other half easily on these websites and get married to them as well.

There are Pakistanis living overseas in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the UAE, the KSA, Qatar and Bahrain

If you are from the US, Canada, UK, UAE, KSA, Qatar, or Bahrain and looking for a nikah or marriage online, then our lawyers can help.


Since we work with people from all over the world who love their countrymen and culture, we understand your feelings and emotions. We help them in getting married according to Islamic teachings. 

Pakistani cities with online Nikah services include Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, and Faisalabad.

Some lawyers charge as low as PKR 15000 whereas some others may charge more than that based on their location and facilities. You can search their website and contact them if you have any questions.

With the help of technology, we have been able to make Nikah Online a really easy process, and you can contact us if you want to have a Nikah Online at our cost, which is very reasonable and affordable!

Ceremony of Nikaah/Nikah For Marriage/Shadi

There will be witnesses, the groom or bride (if any) in our Islamabad and Karachi offices, as well as a Nikah khawan. In our office, we will arrange the Nikaah/Nikah ceremony and gathering, and either the bride or the groom will be available via Skype, WhatsApp, IMO, Zoom, etc.

  • There will be an online wedding.
  • During the Nikah Khawan ceremony, the bride and groom will recite verses from the Holy Quran for blessing.
  • Three times will the bride and groom accept each other in the Ijab-o-Qabool ceremony.
  • It is the responsibility of the Nikah Khawan/Imam to recite the khutba-e-Nikaah/Nikah on behalf of the faithful.

 Lastly, I would like to end with a prayer for a prosperous and happy married life for you both.

Registration of Nikah online through a recognized registrar

In Karachi or Islamabad, Pakistan, the Nikah Khawan will prepare Nikah Nama and legal documents for registration with the Nikah Registrar after the Nikaah has been recited online.

In Pakistan, matrimonial services are offered by family lawyers

Pakistan’s biggest cities such as Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, and others provide our Online Nikah services.

How to obtain a NADRA marriage registration certificate

As soon as Right Law Associates has completed the Nikaah Nama registration process, it will apply for the NADRA computerized marriage certificate. We, in the capacity of your attorney, will be required to submit on your behalf, the application along with the Urdu Nikkah nama, copies of the CNICs/passports of the bride and groom, and their parents to the concerned Union Council or Arbitrary Council, Islamabad, and receive the certificate within three to five working days.

Among the most prominent lawyer’s organizations, Pakistan Legal Forum and Right Law Associates (Pvt) Limited have very good reputations and goodwill in the legal field.

It is noteworthy that Pakistan Legal Forum and Right Law Associates (Pvt) Limited are two of the most prominent legal organizations in Pakistan. The Pakistan Legal Forum, a sister concern of Right Law Associates (Pvt) Limited, offers online wedding services in all major cities in Pakistan, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and others. Pakistan Legal Forum is one of the leading online wedding companies in Pakistan.

We at the Right Law Associates (Pvt) Limited have a team of experts that can assist you in getting married online anywhere in the world, even if you live abroad or are planning on getting married with someone from another country.

Islamic law allows for nikah through an attorney or proxy.

In Hazrat Muhammad’s (PBUH’s) marriage to Bibi Umme Habiba, an attorney/proxy was used.

Online Nikah requirements according to Islam: 

  • A qazi and two witnesses must be present. 
  • At the time of nikah online, the wife must be present either online or offline. 
  • There must be a minimum age requirement of 18 years for both the bridegroom and bride. 
  • No physical disability should prevent the bridegroom from consummating the marriage. 
  • If the bridegroom has a mental disability, he should not be able to provide financial support for his wife properly or take care of her in a proper manner.

The process of online Nikah/Marriage

It is legal to perform an online Nidah if both parties are adults, free to marry each other, and able to fulfill their marriage commitments; if they are not related by blood or marriage; and if they are not forbidden by law from getting married. Nikah online in Karachi is the best way to get married if you live in Karachi. Online nikah is legal and valid. Nikah done through an attorney or proxy is also acceptable. It was a marriage through attorney/proxy between Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and Bibi Umme Habiba. The Islamic requirements for online nikah: A man and a woman must be at least 18 years old before they can marry. Online nikah can be performed from anywhere in the world. Before giving out marriage proposals, both parties must have the consent of their parents, guardians or relatives. Each party must be mentally fit, sober and sane for this purposeLegal requirements for Online Nikah:During the ceremony, both parties must have valid ID cards (if they don’t, they will need to go to their local NADRA office to obtain one before getting married). An Islamic marriage ceremony is referred to as a Nikah, which is an agreement between two individuals that allows them to live together as husband and wife. A nikah is a contract between two parties agreeing to live together as husband and wife. Despite the fact that the traditional ceremony is governed by Islamic law, people can get married in many other ways. One of those ways is through online Nikah.

What is the Islamic view of online nikah?

A Nikah through an attorney or proxy is acceptable under Islamic law. If the marriage follows certain guidelines outlined by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it will be valid under Islamic law. The marriage of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) with Bibi Umme Habiba was through attorney/proxy because it was performed by someone with authority over both parties and witnesses were required at the ceremony. By getting married to Bibi Umme Habiba without his presence at all, Hazrat Ali acted on behalf of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). An Online Nikah requires both parties to be legally eligible for marriage. Online Nikah is a way to marry while you live far apart from each other, usually in another country.  

Online Nikah is becoming increasingly popular in Pakistan, but few know about its Islamic requirements and procedures.Nikah through attorney or proxy is Islamic. Bibi Umme Habiba and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) were married through an attorney/proxy. In order for an Online Nikah to be valid and acceptable, all the requirements of Islamic laws for Nikah must be met.

Online Nikah requirements include:

  • In accordance with Islamic law, both parties must be adults (Mukallaf), i.e., they should be at least 18 years of age, and should not have reached the age when their own country makes them ineligible to marry.
  • A couple should both be sane (Taqwa), i.e., free from mental disorders or disabilities that would inhibit their ability to care for themselves.

For over 36 years, we have offered Nikah online services. Find out how we can help you!

Our law firm will assist you in getting a nikah online if you want to get married. A woman must be present during her own marriage in accordance with Islamic law and rules. You will have to entrust your nikah to an attorney if she is not in Pakistan or any other country. After the lawyer has completed the marriage contract, he/she will inform us via email or phone call so that a representative can attend your Nikah ceremony. When two witnesses who are Muslims by faith and are sane sign as witnesses during the Nikah process, the nikah will become valid.